March 16, 2009

Opening Day

Aaaaahhhhhhhh, the smell of dirt, the crack of the bat, kids whining for Gatorade and Ring Pops from the concession stand, yes baseball season has officially kicked off. Opening Day was Saturday. It started at 7:45 (way too early) and it was foggy, gray and cold. We dropped both boys off at their floats and headed back to the baseball park with Savannah to wait for everyone to come our way. The fire truck was late though (they were on a call) so instead of starting the parade of floats at 9, it began about 9:30. Then they all get to the field and it's total chaos to get all the kids to the fields so they can be introduced and repeat the pledge, listen to the anthem, raise the flag and watch the first pitch of the season be thrown out. Jack didn't have a game, but Tristan's was scheduled to begin at 12:30. We got back at noon after a quick run home to grab a bite to eat, but because of the delayed start of the parade we didn't begin our game until 2. By that time it was sunny, hot and the bugs were swarming, it was really great. The nachos were good though, those drippy cheese with jalapeno nachos that are oh bad for you but taste like heaven. Our game was finally over at 4:30, we lost. Tristan was pretty upset, he didn't get to pitch and felt he could have contributed well to the team. I have a feeling we will have a lot of life lessons this season with him, the whole you win as a team and you lose as a team. On a personal note though he stole second and third, giving me an absolute heart attack and slid into home on a wild pitch to score the first run of the game. We aren't sure where he learned to slide since his other attempts looked like a sixteen year old trying to drive a clutch for the first time, a lot of stalling and not quite getting to where you are going. Monday, Jack has his first game against the Hurricanes, his team from last year, hopefully the Tigers won't resemble the Bad News Bears too much.....

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