January 9, 2009

Tristan was in Hog Heaven

This first video is of two of the tigers as the keepers were beginning the process of feeding. Well tonight was our tour of the CattyShack Ranch. It's a wild cat sanctuary for wild cats who have been sold black market or animals that can't be taken care of by zoos, or the zoo goes under, etc. We got to tour the facility and then watch the animals be fed. Tonight was chicken dinners for the cats. They were loud and proud and Tristan couldn't get enough. I want to go back to do a day tour so we can really see all the animals, they were all so incredible. There are a couple who have been raised since infancy at the Ranch, one is a lion who was born to a mother that was supposed to have been spayed at her previous zoo, but obviously wasn't. Freddy is 4, still a young lion, and really a sweet animal, gives kisses and all. I was perfectly happy to stay two fences from him though, he is really big. Tristan got a shirt with "his adopted tiger", Nokia on the front. We figured Santa and Tristan paid for about a week's worth of food for his adoption price. At any rate we all had a great time and learned a lot more about big cats. If you ever want to know something about them, just call Tristan, he has a lot to share!
This was the cougars waiting for their food. They could smell it and hear the pans clanking, they knew what was coming.

1 comment:

For SMG said...

Hi There - Wow - your kids have grown so much since I last saw them! Hope all is well with you - Love your blog BTW. I see you graduated - are you working now? Other than Stephanie not much else is really new - my husband is retiring at the end of March - new chapter is starting for us. Email me and let me know what's new with you all - gigigonzales@hotmail.com
