January 31, 2009

Pinewood Derby Day

Well today was the day. Cub Scout Derby Day. Tristan's car did great and won second place overall in the Wolf Scout race. He moves on to district in March. Of course there is always controversy. One parent stormed out after his son didn't place in the top three and he tried to protest. The kid wasn't even upset until his Dad went beserk in the church. There is always somebody....At any rate we had fun and we can check that off our things to do list now and focus on baseball tryouts for next weekend. Savannah had fun too, she took off her socks, shoes, pooped, ate candy and popcorn off the floor, ate half of her hotdog and then got to play outside on the playground. It was a banner day for her!

1 comment:

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

Oh goodness....you've made me scared that we'll have one of those storming kinda parents at our Pinewood Derby next Friday! I'm glad that Tristan did such a great job...when is his district race? You wrote March so assume he's gearing up! :) Loads of smiles sent your way!